Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Life's a Dance


Up and down, whirl around, life's a dance.
Weather flows hot, cool, warm, cool, cold.

Life is always transitioning, rarely rigidly.
Autumn, leaves green mix with red, golden.
Spring, some trees buds, others flowering.  

Fuzzily, paths open up to life's next season.
Sometimes changes move softly, a waltz.
At other times tempestuous, like a salsa.
Celestial music always guides life's dance. 

A wild dance arouses deaf to ask, "Why?"
They hear no music, their ears, unrefined.
Yet, their eyes behold violent movements.
Without music, a dance seems senseless.

There are few among deaf who sense more.
They surmise drops of music from the dance.
With effort, they surmise what they don't hear.
They are the disciples of mystical teachings.

The true mystics actually hear life's music.
They see all dancing blissfully wed to music.

A child observed the dance and wondered.
He asked for the Musician and He appeared !
Child and Musician became sweetest friends.
Since then all deaf can befriend the Musician.


1 comment:

  1. Author's Note:

    Since poems are supposed to be open for personal interpretation, I did not want to place elements of my interpretation in the main text of the blog. Instead, I'm relegating it to the comment section. This way it does not confront the reader and bias what s/he is personally drawing from the poem.

    The "child" in this poem is Abraham. He discovered the Creator while still a child. The Midrashic story tells of him watching the sun arise in the morning and "vanquishing" the moon. This led him to believe that the sun was stronger and therefore was more worthy of his worship. Then the moon arose at night and "avenged" his prior downfall. This led him to believe that maybe the moon is more powerful after all. However, when Abraham noticed that the cycle kept repeating itself, he concluded that neither celestial body is a deity. They both must just be creations of a far greater Creator. This is when the Creator revealed Himself to the child and began Abraham's career as a teacher of Monotheism.

    What's interesting is that the Midrash and Talmud teach that during this same period, there was already a flourishing school of Monotheism. It was headed by Noah's son and grandson, Shem and Eber. Was Abraham merely another Monotheist at that time or did he also add something different?

    To me it seems like Abraham might have added something different. Shem and Eber were part of a line of Monotheists that dated back to Adam. Among this illustrious line were personalities like Adam, Enoch, Methuselah and Noah. All these people were noted for being saintly, mystical and (possibly) prophetic. It seems based on comments that come down the line of Rabbinic tradition and from the existence of the Book Raziel HaMalach that it likely that the teachings passed down from Adam all the way to Eber were possibly mainly mystical teachings. In other words, it seems likely that they practiced a Monotheism based on mysticism.

    This would explain why Noah could not affect the masses of his generation to change their ways or that most of his immediate post-flood offspring worshiped idols. A Monotheism which is based on mysticism does not share a common language to communicate with the masses.

    What's interesting is that Abraham discovered the Creator while still a child. This way he knew from firsthand experience that the Creator can be befriended by those who were non-mystics, people who did not hear the "melodies moving life's dances".

    Even though he later on joined Shem and Eber's academy, he never lost touch with his childhood experience of the Creator, the Musician. This was the gift he shared with the masses. In one way or another, his message of Monotheism for the masses has already reached huge segments of the human population and continues to.
