Sunday, June 2, 2013

“The Opening of our Eyes”


Look around you with eyes of flesh. Peer into a microscope or telescope. What do you see? The universe of astronomy and Physics.

Now look around you with eyes of nefesh, biological soul. What do you see? A universe of underlying life forces. Here everything familiar shimmers with deeper life.

Now look around you with eyes of ruach, emotional soul. What do you see? A universe comprised of feelings. Here’s where the angels sing and souls are enraptured with divine love.

Now look around you with eyes of neshama, logical soul. What do you see? A universe comprised of thought forms. Here’s where the deeper supernal Torah discussions happen. It’s the academy on high.

Now look around you with eyes of chaya, intuitive soul. What do you see? A universe comprised of formless thoughts. Here symbols, archetypes and divine names prevail.

Now look around you with eyes of yechida, volitional soul. What do you see? A universe comprised of core divine will. It’s pre-thought.

Now look around you with eyes of Yechud, Infinite Oneness. What do you see? No division! Just seamless pure Self.

After following this inspired trail, you see that spiritual realms are not “different places” nor is the Creator “elsewhere”. There’s only seamless Infinite Oneness.

What is seen by us depends on the opening of our eyes.

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