Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Layers of Monotheistic Belief

“If you truly believe in the Oneness then you truly believe that you are ultimately a soul mate with everyone and everything.”

To me, father Abraham’s work of introducing the world to monotheism is far from done. As long as people are not at peace and automatically loving each other, there’s still so much more to do to introduce monotheism to the world. Clearly, father Abraham has left over a big piece of this work for our generation.

Monotheism is a layered belief. Though there are no layers or levels to the Creator's Oneness, there are layers and levels of monotheistic concepts absorbed by human minds. One level might be proclaimed in the declaration, “There’s no deity other than God.” This means that there’s no being who is in ultimate control other than God.

A higher level, is expressed in the understanding that the Creator has no image or form. He's invisible because He's are indivisible. Under this umbrella comes notions of His seamless Oneness and Infinity.

Yet a higher level, is expressed in monotheism becoming monism. On this level, it is no longer sufficient to believe that there’s no deity other than God. This level calls for a belief that there’s nothing at all other than Him.

Now there’s philosophical room to turn the Biblical directive of “Love your fellow as yourself” over on its conventionally understood head. By loving my fellow, I am loving myself. I am doing “love your fellow, love yourself”. This is because we are both in the Oneness, where ultimately all distinctions disappear.

This can serve as a foundation for world peace and for programs to live in a state of kindness. As we understand that we are all One, we treat otherness differently. Someone else’s suffering becomes our own. Someone else’s joy becomes our own. So we do not want to participate in another’s suffering on any level. We want to erase any suffering we see in others. We want others to be happy, only happy. The motive for this is does not rest on the strength of belief alone, eventually it rests an experience of connectivity with Higher Self.

Even someone who is unsure whether he has married his soul mate can find his spouse’s soul connected to his own in the Oneness. Obviously, the same applies vice versa. She can find his soul connected to her own in the Oneness. What a soul mate conventionally means is a larger soul which has been split apart into a male soul and female soul. If the two souls are worthy, as earth dwelling humans they will meet and marry. If they aren’t worthy, the Zohar teaches that they meet and marry someone else.

While this can sound like a downer, as one does not know whether s/he is worthy and has married his/her other half, this can actually be a tremendous source of optimism. A couple who are not soul mates in a conventional sense, by working harder on appreciating the Oneness, can find a place where they are truly spiritually one and work from there to thread Oneness through the life they share together. They can shine a light into the world from their shared source in the Oneness. It's their unique spiritual revelation to the world, which no one else can duplicate. So a non- soul mate couple can sometimes find a deeper Oneness than a soul mate couple can - as more relationship barriers force them to reach up yet Higher. There’s so much here. Whole programs of life and marriage therapy can be built on a proper understanding of the Oneness for those who are open to it.

We are so addicted to our fragmented views of life that maybe it’s worth a twelve step program designed just to clear us from our fragmented perspectives. While we need to see distinctions in order to function and play our roles, we also need to be aware of the Oneness to function and play our roles. Both views are necessary.

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