Sunday, November 3, 2019

Flashes of the Divine Thought

The universe is immersed,
  In a Divine thought,

For it is less than
  Even a single Divine thought;

Not less fractionally, 
  But less in an ineffable sense.

What's at core a thought, 
  Seamless, Whole n' Infinite, 

Is caught by pieces,
  Of a fragmented world.

Imagine a picture,
  Projected on shreds of screen.

  The picture's whole, 

What's fragmented, 
  Is the screen. 

So too Divine thought,
  Remains undivided.

Yet, its manifest flashes,
  Provide a basis to appreciate. 

Appreciate that ...
  All you see, hear, taste, smell n' feel 

Are solidified flashes
  Of the Infinite Divine thought. 

Appreciate that ...
  All you read n' hear of Torah,

Are verbalized flashes,
  Of the self-same Divine thought.

Though a flash is not,
  The entirety of Divine brilliance,

It's still a precious drop,
  A derivative of the Infinite beyond.


~ Dedicated to my daughter "See Em" in honor of her brilliant question which inspired the outpouring of this poem.


  1. From FaceBook Comments:

    Shlomie: Wonderful!

    Choni: Shlomie, thank you kindly for sharing your appreciation.

    Liza: Great reflection in a poem — thank you!
    Choni: Liza Thank you for sharing your appreciation. It was inspired by a question which my Daughter asked me.

    Liza: What was her question?

    Choni: Liza honestly, the poem did not come out of an answer to her question. It came from the ideas I encountered along in the way in the quest to answer her question. Her question was if God knows what we will do then how do we have free choice? In the quest for an answer I had to contemplate the implications of God's knowledge, especially His thinking. Its from there which the poem springs forth.

    Liza: This is a lot and good to think about. I’ll be thinking on this. Thank you.
