Sunday, June 24, 2012

Closer to Oneness

Moving closer or further from Oneness is a range with many settings along the way. So for example people getting along with each other and cooperating with each other nicely, even without  spiritual awareness or belief, is a setting along this huge range - it's a move closer to Oneness. Mainly, as people resonate in connection to each other, they are living closer to the cosmic Oneness and bringing a greater revelation of the Oneness into their lives.

This notion illuminates a phenomena in world history that I've heard people over the years wonder about. They wonder, "Why is it that Islamic learning, arts and culture truly flourished for much of the Medieval period, while Christian Europe was relegated to the backwardness of the Dark Age. Then seemingly out of nowhere the Renaissance reversed the picture. Learning, art and culture were on the rise in Western Europe, while the Islamic world stagnated in these areas. What caused all this?

To me its a simple equation called (by me) "The Oneness/fragmentation spectrum". The closer a society is to the Oneness side of the spectrum the more successful they will be. The further the society is from Oneness, the greater is their risk of decline. 

Much of the Medieval period was spent by Christian Europe in a state of fragmentation. Each lord was essentially running his little kingdom. Many of these little kingdoms dotted the land mass we now think of as Western Europe. These lords regularly battled each other, filling the entire area with tension and strife. This problem was compounded by an overpopulation of knights thirsty for employment and position, who increased the tension and strife in order to fan their opportunities. In such a situation, people's mind couldn't properly flourish and such a society did more to produce misery than to produce great lasting achievements. 

In contrast the Medieval period was a markedly different experience in the Islamic world (at least for much of the period). Islam started their entry into this period as a huge Caliphate, ranging from Persia, extending west into the Middle East, flowing through North Africa and reaching into the Iberian peninsula. This is a much greater picture of Oneness than what was simultaneously occurring on the other side of the religious divide. The Islamic world was huge, unified, generally stable and dwelt in relative peace. In this tranquil setting, knowledge and ideas were able to cross over what were previously considered both geographical and psychological boundaries. Cultures were able to influence each other. Those doing great works were able to find sympathetic patrons. 

Over time the great Caliphate splintered. Yet, for a long time they still remained large chunks, countries; which allowed them to be able to still grow towards further achievements. By the close of the Medieval period, the Islamic world splintered down far enough that they couldn't hold their former glory. 

Even the Turkish empire, as large as it was, was essentially fiefdoms of "baksheesh seeking officials" who largely operated independently from each other and cooperate to the barest minimal extent necessary to please the Sultan.  

In contrast, Western Europe started unifying it's fiefdoms into larger legitimate countries. These countries often found mutual interest in interacting with each other, which fostered a sharing of ideas, culture and art - all of which flourished still further. 

It's really amazing how an earthly (societal) Oneness below brings down so much blessing, even when not done in the Name of the Creator's Oneness, but only as an act that has imperceptibly moved in that direction. Imagine how much more blessing would manifest if human behavior was consciously inspired by the Oneness.



  1. Shalom,
    It was nice to meet you and find out about your blog! Will start in 2012 and see how I do!
    Peace to all!

  2. It was nice meeting you as well. I love making new friends. Thank you for taking an interest in my blog. There's quite a bit in 2012 to work with. There are also a lot of great posts which are pre-2012 as well. However, as our sages teach, "If you grab too much, you don't grab at all." So keeping your activity within manageable parameters is probably the best approach.
