Sunday, November 14, 2021

Purity of Imagination

Emunah [faith] is the initial spotting of holiness upon the screen of a purifying imagination. 

As purity increases, richer spottings of Ruach HaKodesh [divine inspiration] may follow next, a thick layering of holy intuition.

Further purification may polish the screen, so brilliantly, that it reflects images of Nevuah [prophecy], in the ripeness of time.


1 comment:

  1. From a Whatsapp share:

    Chelee: Where is this from?

    Choni: It's based on a combination of Rabbi Nathan of Nemirov's "Lekutei Halachot" (Tzitzit, Halachah 5) and Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan's books on Jewish Meditation.
