Sunday, October 10, 2021

To Coalesce the Seas

The Zohar’s prediction came true that circa 5,600 on the Jewish calendar the “floodgates from above” and “wellsprings from below” will open up and flood humanity. The flood it referred to is a flood of two types of wisdom. The “floodgates from above” refers to the mystical wisdom, the Kabbalah. The “wellsprings from below” refers to the various secular wisdoms, such as science, medicine and technology. 

This flood has produced seas of wisdom which have been growing and growing ever since. There are educational institutions dedicated entirely to mystical wisdom and those dedicated entirely to secular wisdom. Each side seems to be growing in near isolation from the other. 

I wonder when a unique institution which will blend the two of them together will be formed. Isn’t it time for the two seas to coalesce into one greater sea, one more potent and glorious than the sum of each alone? 

It’s understandable that a boy and girl require years to grow and develop in isolation from each other. They can’t be introduced at infancy or even in late childhood, as that would be counterproductive. They need time to mature, to become properly polar opposites to each other. But, at some point marriage is truly meant to happen. There needs to be a marriage here between mystical and earthly wisdom. They’ve been in isolation from each other long enough, a state unhealthy to maintain longer than absolutely necessary.

Who's the matchmaker? Which institution wants to take up this historic role, one which will forever ensconce it in the annals of humanity?

Just asking … don’t rush all at once. After all, it’s only the very destiny of the entire human race which is at stake here, a minor concern. Right?



  1. From the FB Posting:

    Eliezer: For years I’ve dreamed of a yeshivah for sensitive, creative men, institutions of aggadeta/machshavah/pnimiyus, definitely the Kabbalah-science thing…but I had a few problems:
    1. Too few ppl really had the same vision or cared enough
    2. Idk anyone lined up to fund such an institution
    3. No one truly fit to lead it
    There are plenty of small blogs and attempts online to make those connections, but I feel that whatever it is needs to be much bigger than a think tank of science and Kabbalah. It must be a physical community with a lifestyle and a vibrant culture guided by psak and practical hadrachah. That takes dedication that so far none of us have been able to muster.

    Choni: I understand. I feel the same. Hence, my frustration and outpouring. Maybe, someone or something will shake? Who knows?

    Eliezer: The Creator should bless us with abundance to create what He wants ourselves


    Moshe: I actually do see this happening already in many areas! Its too broad for FB so we'll speak next time we have a chance.

    Choni: I would love to hear. Please pm text me when there’s a good time for you to schmooze over this.

    (In our conversation later, Moshe pointed out that neurobiology and psychology seem to sometimes bump into spirituality. It wasn't to the extent I meant in my essay, but it's a tiny movement in the right direction.)


    Lazer: This is the question of our generation.

    Choni: That might be why it occurred to me to ask.


  2. Continuation of comments from the FB posting:

    Nourit: Interesting question . I guess it is going to happen when a generation will have enough zchoyot and enough Ahavat Israel to justify such an institution🙏

    Choni: Maybe such an institution is what’s needed to inspire and educate on the value אהבת ישראל and to built the זכיות. Sometimes one needs an “arousal from above” in order to inspire his/her “arousal from below”.
    מזמור לדוד או לדוד מזמור

    Nourit: good idea

    Choni: In any case, I believe that we cannot allow our self assessment of our levels to prevent us from trying to do the clear and present good before us. We should try our part and God will do what’s good in His eyes.

    Nourit: I feel the same way and been acting upon it all my life.


    David: There are more and more publications that are trying to unite pnimiyus w/ science.

    Choni: It reminds me of how the mighty Delaware river begins as tiny brooks and streams in Upstate New York which eventually meet to make a great river. Based on what you are saying maybe that’s the stage we are in. Still, my prayers are for it to grow and develop. Can you possibly share a link or two that’s a nice example of what you are referring to.

    David: The 1 that comes to mind is my bil's bil's [eli katz] book, the unity of heaven and earth' [unfortunately i think he just printed privately, don't think available on general market]. also, in a small way, my book often quotes cutting-edge science to show unity etc. i also think that unity of wisdom is just 1 of the yichudim that must take place.

    Choni: Thank you kindly for sharing.

