Thursday, January 28, 2021

In the Garden

In the Garden of Eden, all food was fruit. One would eat fruit and instantly enlighten with new knowledge. The two acts, eating and learning, parted ways only afterwards.

~Rebbe Tzodok HaCohen


  1. Aba: Beautiful and sad

    Choni: It's also an opportunity for us. When we sit at a holy meal and say words of Torah, at least to some extent, we bring the two back together.

    Aba: I will keep that in mind every time I eat. Thank you for this lesson.

    Choni: With great pleasure! Thank Rebbe Tzodok HaCohen of Lublin. I was just paraphrasing him.

    Aba: If you wanna go there then let’s thank Moshe Rabenu and by default every following Rav.

    Choni: You got me! Yes, thank you Moshe Rabbainu.

    Aba: It’s always amazing to remember that it all started with the giving of the Torah. We truly are very blessed to have such a gift.

  2. Temi: Oh wow!

    Choni: Yep! When we share words of Torah at a meal, at least to some extent, we bring back together the light of Torah with the vessels of food. We make a "yichud".

    Temi: YES!!!!😊

    Choni: 😊👍

  3. Shuppy: Wow! From where is the quote?

    Choni: I learned it a long time ago. If I remember correctly, I saw it in "Pre Tzadik" of Rebbe Tzodok HaCohen of Lublin. He has a whole section on Tu B'Shvat.
