Monday, December 24, 2018

To Express n’ Suppress!


To Elevate or Transform?

Mystically and practically there's a difference between elevating sparks trapped in darkness and exposing the light which comprises the darkness itself.

One's an escape. The other is a transformation.

One merely ends a phase of exile. The other brings on new stages of enlightenment within a messianic era.


Our deeper selves yearn for divine manifestation! Call it the messianic era or universal enlightenment, the basic underlying idea is the same.

Whether “down to up” or “up to down”, there’s yearning for Source. We are sourced in both the Light and in its disguised form, the darkness. We are sourced in both the divine masculine and in the divine feminine.

When the pre-Genesis Light and darkness polarized, separating out in the story of the vacated space, the darkness took the best and the brightest of the Light. It was thereby endowed with the capacity of suppression, the capacity to remain silent, the capacity to hide its identity, the capacity to become dark!

Since there’s only Light there was nothing else to make darkness from, other than from Light itself. Darkness is nothing other than suppressed Light. What’s suppressed tends to evoke a sense of mystery. Hence, it’s the norm to find darkness mysterious. But, that’s not its fullness of attraction, only its antechamber.

Deeper in, the attraction is because darkness holds some of the Light, some of the Source of everything else. However, it’s not just any level of the Source. However, in some sense, its highest quality; as it takes more capacity to suppress the Light than to express it.

This is why to escape into a life of meditation and slip exclusively into the transcendent Light, is to miss the point. Yes, we need some of that, perhaps even a lot of it. However, not all the spiritual lights we need to access can be accessed that way. Not all the spiritual lights dwell in heaven. Much of it is suppressed down here. To dwell in “father sky” is to miss “mother earth”. It’s to fly with only one wing and not with the other.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe teaches that the reason that in our days miracles usually do not override nature is because such miracles are missing the main male and female union. When miracles occur within the boundaries of nature then the female side of reality gets her equal share of participation. There’s a real union ~ as the male teases out her suppressed lights, stimulating them into manifestation.


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