Monday, June 25, 2018


Lost in His Love

Your love for God is a mere glimmer of His great love for you!

In your love for Him, you taste a bit of His vast love for you.

To feel His love, simply awaken your own!

It’s the same love, limited to as much as you can take.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018



It's less difficult for You,
To create heaven n’ earth,
Than for a healthy man,
To take the slightest breath.


What does this mini-poem tell me? What feeling does it fill me with?

It tells me something of Your awesomeness. I marvel just the mere droplet I know of the earth around me. This this little sliver I view, is so filled with dizzying nuances and complexity. For instance, the millions of leaves I have rushed passed, on the tree lined roads, while driving during the past 20 minutes; each of them uniquely crafted by You, no two exactly alike.

I realize that even such a tiny slice of life, I am aware of, takes so much to produce; a coordination of so many factors, energies and materials. Yet for You, this entire production was absolutely effortless. Not only have You effortlessly created this tiny slice of life, but, crafting the entire creation of the heavens and earth was just as effortless for You!

Effort is a result of limits. Since Your Infinity is devoid of limits, the whole notion of effort simply doesn't apply to You.

This realization fills my heart with awe and reverence for You. It makes me feel tiny, yeah minuscule, before You! And yet at the same time, it fills me with feelings of trust that I can entirely rely on You; that I live in a world where everything is connected to a Being Whose Kindest of kind.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Trade Winds

Do you wonder why I am,
  At peace with those who banished me?

The ways of our God,
  Are only kind n’ good!

The banishers were just His wind,
  To blow my ship to a better place.

Does any sailor dare,
  Complain about such a wind?


Of Paint n’ Canvas

I came to you,
  As an apprentice;
Seeking n’ yearning,
  For a master painter.

I imagined one day,
  Painting on my own.
I imagined bright colors,
  Widely streaking across,
My expansive landscapes,
 Livening my portraits,
Filling my still lifes,
  With hints of moving life.

But you showed me,
  Heaps of canvases.
They were dull n’ drab browns.
  Yet, you held them with pride.
“Upon these paintings rest!”
  You heartfully exclaimed.
Your smile broadened wide,
  As you lectured me,
About their qualities,
  About their textures,
About their uses,
  About their sizes.

At first my ears inclined,
  Cause it was about art.
You rightly proclaimed,
  “This is vital to art!”
N’ of course I agreed,
  How else could it be?

Then I started moving on,
  You seemed puzzled.
Your gaze betrayed,
  Deep frustrations.

But why...?
  Hadn't you caught on?
I seek a painter,
  Not a canvas maker!
Hidden knits of fabric,
  Doesn't inspire me,
As do the streaks n’ streams,
  Of brightly colored paints.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Human Needs

Humanity needs more deep thinkers.

How else will the spiritual wisdom needed
to transform humanity catch on?


Monday, June 11, 2018

Maimonidean Monism - Unpacked


Maimonidean Monism

Being Absolutely Infinite,
  Only You Absolutely Exist!

All other existences,
  Draw their existence from You!

As You are the Only stream,
  From where else can they drink?

You are their very wellspring,
  Their fountain of existence.

You give it gushing forth,
  Without relinquishment;

As nothing can be added,
  Nor subtracted from You.

As that's what it truly means,
  To be Absolutely Infinite.

All those upon whom,
  You confer existence,

Receive without detaching,
  From Your own Existence.

They remain One with You,
  In Absolute Seamlessness!

The poem above is inspired by a teaching from Maimonides. If read in a certain way this teaching offers a surprise. It indicates that not only was the Maimonides a prime theological and philosophical champion of Monotheism, but, he was very likely a Monist as well. To clarify, Monotheism is the belief that there's only One God. Monism is a specialized version of Monotheism which believes that there's Only God; i.e. only God exists and all else is somehow One with Him.

The poem is written in a way which attempts to mirror the imagery and philosophical language used in Maimonidean period Islamic culture (of course as it came to me via English and Hebrew source materials).

The teaching which inspired the poem is found in "Hilchot Yesodei HaTorah" 2:9 and is very specifically focused on the words, "...all exists by force of the truth of His Existence." I am aware that exactly how to translate this passage can be a subject of discussion. However, I believe my understanding of how it should be translated to be simple, reasonable and matching with the likely intent of its esteemed author.

This understanding is also shared by, the 19th Century Torah personality and Kabbalist, Rabbi Yaakov Meir Shpielman.  Please see Tal Orot, Section I, Chapter 8. In the new edition it's on the top section of the right hand column of P. 47.

The advantage of this particular approach into Monism is that it does not employ imagery of space. Typically, I have most often heard the claim for Monism presented as follows: If God is Infinite then how is there "space" for anything else? So, it must be that only God exists.
This claim has a weakness because "space", as a later creation, should have nothing to do with substantiating Monism. In this poem, expanded out from the words of the Maimonides, Monism is substantiated on "existence" alone. Which makes sense because (at least philosophically) existence is something which applies to God. Every believer proclaims, "God exists!"

The notion of “existence” I am working with is “is-ness”. It is, so it exists. This might be a bit different from the way the word “existence” is used in classical philosophy. Honestly, I do not know how the term was classically employed. I just got hints in my past studies, here and there, that the word may have been used a shade or two differently than I am used to. So to avoid entangled meanings and connotations, I clarified my usage of the word.

How does any entity acquire “is-ness” or “existence”? Only God Absolutely Exists. He’s identical with His own Existence. Since He’s the only Source Existence, all existences derive from His own.

It’s a basic logical principle that nothing can be added or subtracted from Absolute Infinity. If something’s subtracted, it’s no longer Infinite. If something’s added, it was never Infinite to begin with. Therefore, when the Infinite Being, God, shares existence with other entities, what’s shared never leaves Him. It’s not subtracted from Him. It remains One with Him.

Since all entities are identical with their own existence and their existence is not subtracted from Him, neither are they. They remain One with Him, Seamless so; as His Oneness is most perfect ~ and hence, Absolutely Seamless.

The notion of “it is” is a great equalizer. In the same breath one can proclaim, “Humans exist!” and, “Rocks exists!” Evidently when comparing two entities’ core existence levels, the ladder of life becomes irrelevant. Though on vastly different levels of life, a human does not exist any more than a rock does.

Since all “existences” are really Seamlessly One with God, it means that existence itself, “is-ness”, is seamlessly indivisible ~ absolutely undifferentiated!  The core existence factor is not any different for an angel than it is for a stone. It must be more primal than the levels along the ladder of life are; even the highest of levels.

So, how does simple, undifferentiated, “is-ness” bring about such amazing variety, including various levels of life and kinds of life?

For a model to explain this, I turn to a teaching by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (see “Igeret HaKodesh”). He teaches that soil has a unique quality, as it can sprout forth a wide variety of plants. Assuming all soil is uniformly nutriated, one seed can bring out the soil’s potential to produce a tomato vine and another seed can bring forth a grape vine. The same soil which can transform into the main bulk of one plant can transform into the main bulk of the other plant. Even if one wants to claim that each plants’ bulk is enhanced by other factors as well (like rain, CO2 and sunlight), still even these other factors are uniform elements, which are uniformly available to both plants grown on the same patch of soil.

Logically speaking, to tease out variety from uniformity requires uniformity to latently bear the potential for that variety. This potential is usually seamless and undetectable on the uniform level; like a spark still within the flint or a ray still within the sun. In a similar sense, Pure Existence latently bears the potential for all the existences ~ which remain latent even while revealed!


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Alter Rebbe on "Shelach"

When a person contemplates and concentrates how God constantly renews creation every day, there's an arousal from the earthly to the heavenly. As it states, "Know today and renew it in your heart that God is the Lord in the heavens above and the earth below. There's nothing else!" and "All before Him are as naught!". That which the world appears like an independent reality is only because God hides and conceals His divine power. But truthfully there's nothing besides Him.
It turns out, that [through contemplation] the person causes that the constriction and concealment, hiding His divine power, moves aside; to reveal His divine power, in various states of revelation.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Maimonidean Monism

 Being Absolutely Infinite,
  Only You Absolutely Exist!

All other existences,
  Draw their existence from You!

As You are the Only stream,
  From where else can they drink?

You are their very wellspring,
  Their fountain of existence.

You give it gushing forth,
  Without relinquishment;

As nothing can be added,
  Nor subtracted from You.

As that's what it truly means,
  To be Absolutely Infinite.

All those upon whom,
  You confer existence,

Receive without detaching,
  From Your own Existence.

They remain One with You,
  In Absolute Seamlessness!
