Sunday, May 13, 2018

Pleasuring Names & Attributes

On one hand, we’re taught that God does not need anything. The creation of the world was a pure act of benevolence. On the other hand, “Etz Chaim” teaches that God created the world to give meaning to His holy names and attributes. For example, what's the purpose of His compassion if there's no one to be compassionate to?

These two teachings seem to contradict each other. Either God needs nothing or He needs self-actualization? Seemingly, both cannot be simultaneously true.

However, they do not contradict. God truly needs nothing. What is in need for self-actualization are His names and attributes, not Himself. True to His benevolence, He’s doing a kindness to His names and attributes by allowing them a generous measure of self expression.

Think about it. If God placed you and I in a supportive environment where we could each self-actualize, bring our best versions of self into creative and healthy self expression, wouldn't we be amazingly grateful?

Similarly, that's what God’s doing for His names and attributes, which are far more alive than we are; as they're on a much higher level of consciousness. If we would consider such an opportunity to be a kindness for us, then it's certainly a kindness for them.


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