Rembrandt brings you faces from the past,
Chagall brings you abstractions, more recent.
Chefs bring you culinary delights, so delectable,
Perfumers bring you fragrances in delicate array.
Salesmen bring you expensive clothes to wear,
Designers bring you color splashes to share.
Novelists bring you the ancient gift of stories,
Poets bring you the deep inspiration of prose.
Career counselors bring you to steady income,
Financial experts bring you the hope of profit.
Legislatures bring you the law of the land,
The Bible brings you the law of the Grand.
Psychologists bring you to hidden tastes of self,
Lovers bring you into secluded tastes of another.
Musicians bring you into fresh orchards of feeling,
Reeking with vibrant sentimental colors; ripe for picking.
We surround you like lush mountains a valley,
We bring you, we bring you, we bring you ...
We bring you ... what? Experiences vast n' varied.
Surprise, you already know us by name, “Artists”!
Whom do you enchant with the magic of experiences,
For whom are you regarded, yes adored, as the artist?