Thursday, May 14, 2020

More Alive!

I used to wonder why Judaism portrays sin as something which disturbs God. After all, what can a finite creature possibly do to an Infinite Being? For example, we tell children, “Sticks and stones may break bones, but names will never harm you?” Yet, blasphemy is forbidden to Jew and Noahide alike. If it’s a mark of maturity for a human being not to be affected by verbal abuse, to rise above it, how much more would one expect so with regards to the Infinite Being?

While this claim is true when referring to God’s essence, it does not take the whole picture of our relationship with God into consideration. For the purposes of relating to us, God has manifested a whole system of holy names and attributes. Since they are of supremely higher consciousness than we are, they are far more alive than we are too. Part of the implications of being “more alive” is also being open and sensitive. On their highly sensitive level setbacks and successes, sufferings and rejoicings, are felt far more intensely than we feel our own.

The system of names and attributes are part of what undergoes the “tikkun” (rectification) process, a process that develops for them “spiritual bodies” for the purposes of allowing them an enhanced range of expression. Regardless of level, the whole of emanated and created reality operates on some system of souls and bodies (also, often referred to as lights and vessels).

Human life is also patterned on this system. When a baby is born, the whole soul is present. However, biological development and education is required for that soul to become more fully expressed. Once grown into a mature human being, that same soul which as a baby could not even talk, can now function as let’s say a highly articulate teacher standing in front of a class and explaining difficult topics. All it took was an outer state of development to allow the inner soul a conduit of expression into the arena of the physical universe.

With this understanding of what a body does for a soul, it’s easy to appreciate how God’s system of names and attributes are enhanced by developing what on their levels are bodies for them. Due to the nature of free choice, God has placed the development of their “bodies” into our hands. We’re spiritually connected to them in a way that our contemplations, speech and actions actually change around their situations; hopefully, in the direction of building their bodies and enhancing their lives. When enhanced, blessings and abundance are streamed down the levels; ultimately landing on the earthly level, like fruit from a high tree, where we can enjoy them. Then the situation is literally a “win/win”.

So, while our deeds do nothing to God Himself, they can either hurt or enhance the system which He manifested to interface with us through. Think of it this way, you are talking to a friend over technology (phone/internet). Something happens which cuts the communication and you are now holding an unresponsive device. Has your friend disappeared or been hurt? Of course s/he hadn’t. But, the interface of communication has. Similarly, what we do affects the system of interface between us and God.

Unlike humanly manufactured technology, God’s names and attributes are far more alive than we are. So when they are hurt, it’s actually tragic. This is likely why the Torah in the middle of the story of the blasphemer also mentions how to deal with murderers and those who inflict harm on others. (see Leviticus 24) Torah seems to be making a comparison between them, hoping to raise awareness about what has been done to God’s names and attributes. Their spiritual “bodies” are hurting and their usual flow of abundant blessings is now compromised. Conversely, when we make blessings over foods, fragrances, during prayer ... we build them up.


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